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Things I linked on Instagram

If you missed it on IG, never fear, the link is here!

Don’t you hate it when someone you follow posts something fantastic and you miss it? Maybe you were busy when you saw the story. Sitting in the doctor’s waiting room and your name got called before you could follow through.

Or you saw something and the idea of it has rattled around in your head for a few days (weeks) and darn it, what was that thing?

I now want it!

Never fear, the links are here! If you don’t see something I’ve talked about recently email or DM me. I’ll be sure to add it!

This is an ever growing list and in no particular order.

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1. Puzzle Keeper

My mother in law loves doing puzzles and it has become a tradition that I get her a new one each Christmas that we call can work on over their visit.

The problem? When you want to use the workspace (aka your dining room table) for things like meals or heaven forbid our Christmas Eve dinner.

Never fear, this Puzzle Keeper is here!

Our family has been a fan of the puzzle keeper for years and love that a partially completed puzzle can be packed up and moved.

I also personally love that you can “keep” a completed puzzle and tuck it away until you need the puzzle keeper again. By then you aren’t as emotionally attached to the completed puzzle and don’t die a bit inside when it is destroyed!

2. Passport travel wallet.

Travel wallet passport organizer

Ryan (my husband) got a beautiful passport cover when we started traveling internationally, but….it was only for one passport.

Somehow for over a decade now we’ve tucked all 4 passports into that sad little cover. They haven’t been in a pocket or anything and we’ve frankly been lucky that one hasn’t fallen out during transport!

We needed something that could accommodate our family. I also wanted someplace to keep dual currencies. Even if just a little bit of cash, there are times when you need both USD and the currency of your destination. (Can anyone say TIPS?)

Then “The Covid” hit and we have another need. Carrying around our vaccination cards!

I looked and looked and looked for the best solution in my opinion. This is it!

It is reasonable priced. Solid material and holds all of the vital travel items we need. It is also small enough to fit in (the big) men’s pant pockets, a small purse or our carryon bags.

I’m a huge fan of “seat back” bags that I talk about a ton. It is a bag small enough to fit in the seat back of your plane seat, but can hold things you will need during the flight. AirPods, lotion, meds, a Tide stick. Yes I have a list.

I think this wallet will fit in nicely into the bag as well. You do need your passport on the trip and I never feel comfortable leaving it in the overhead bin while I sleep. I like it in front of me, or in an under the seat bag.

I hope this travel wallet works for you and your family. If you are traveling as a single, duo or whole crew, it has advantages!

3. Car Jump Start Battery

car charger battery pack

So not travel related, but necessary none the less. Every mom wants their teen driver to be safe on the road. This battery pack has bailed my son out of a few sticky situations!

I couldn’t believe it when a friend told me about the Halo years ago. I bought one when our son started driving for him to keep in the glovebox.

Yes, he has actually jumpstarted his car with this batter pack!

He was able to do it on his own without help from another vehicle, or need to ask a potentially sketchy stranger.

No need to navigate another car to a position where the jumper cables *might* reach the dead car! This battery pack can do it!

It also is great to have around if you loose power as it can charge your computer, cell phone almost anything you need to charge!

Needless to say when our daughter reached driving age this was a mandatory gift. She hasn’t needed it….yet, but I’m happy knowing it is in her glovebox!

4. Replace paper towels!

Yes, it is a little thing, but man what a difference this has made in our house! I picked up a dozen of these kitchen towels in the height of the pandemic when paper goods such as paper towels were hard to find and when you did…pricey!

The obvious added benefit is being better for the environment than going through roll after roll of paper towels.

We use them for everything from wiping countertops, to cleaning up messes to the occasional step-in as a napkin!

I’m telling you our use of traditional paper towels has plummeted just by replacing with these handy towels. I also have a bin in the mudroom to toss any dirty towels and then they just get added to a weekly load.