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Why do I travel? The short answer is the world is too beautiful and amazing NOT to! I’ll be upfront and admit that I am a TERRIFIED flyer.  I’ve had a few experiences that validate my fear, but bottom line; I believe that God created this beautiful and amazing world. It is filled with people, places and experiences that fulfill me every time I venture out into it. I feel honored and blessed with each of my travel experiences and find myself craving more and more. 

I’ve been married to my best friend since 2000. It’s easy to remember how long we have been married!  We have two teenagers (The Boy and The Girl) who thankfully enjoy going on our adventures with us.

I was in my mid thirties when I lost my dad after a very long battle with cancer.  It kind of sparked a “mid-life crisis” for me.  I had already been bit by the travel bug, but his death made me realize that life is a limited quantity.  We can’t add to it. We have no idea how much time we have left on Earth. It was at that time that my husband and I decided to not put off the dreams we had.  We wanted to embark on adventures to show our kids this wonderful world and to have all of us grow in the process. Life’s Short. Travel Well.

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